Fly on the wall..

I sat down for a rest during a walk on Saturday morning and noticed this fly on a lichen encrusted concrete post just beside me.  It is a very dull fly, but the lichen doesn't look too bad.

Spring has arrived...

The lovely weather this weekend meant that a visit to Swan Lake was due.  I hadn't been there since last October.

First up were my favourite birds, the Great Crested Grebe.


Water Weekend

A beautiful weekend saw the arrival of Spring.  I spotted a Red Admiral in the garden on Saturday morning.  In the afternoon I went to Virginia Water to try out the Camera's electronic ND filter. 


First trip to Mytchett Lake since last October.  Weather was lovely, if a bit cold. Spring is definitely on the way   The reflections in this shot are entirely natural.



Taken from a lay-by just south of Kingsclere.  Click on image for full frame.