Getting closer...

I'm thinking of getting into macro photography.  Macro lenses are expensive, and they wouldn't be much use to me for normal photography.  So I am exploring the subject using extension tubes, which

Macro malarky

Macro photography can be an expensive pastime.  A decent lens can cost £600+, then there is the special flashlight systems.  As a complete novice,  I stand very little chance of choosing the correc



I spotted this little chap on one of the crossbars on a gate while out for a walk.

There be Dragons...

The sunlight was very harsh today, so I just went out for a bit of practice.  There was no way that I could even try to get nice, colourful images.  While looking through the images I noticed that


The sunshine brought the butterflies out today.  Their numbers are clearly dwindling as September starts.

Full image of right hand Butterfly:-

Egg Laying

I've never noticed this before. 

The upper dragonfly was dipping his partner into the water every 6 inches, or so.  I presume that this activity was the eggs getting laid.

Peacock Butterfly

Photo taken at Tice's Meadow Nature Reserve.  F7.1,  1/2500S,  ISO 3200.  I should have set the ISO much lower, but it seems to have come out OK.

An Accidental Insect

I was cropping an image of a butterfly when I noticed this chap near the corner of the photo.  He appears to be in sharper focus than the butterfly!!

Some sort of Bee

This was taken at 300mm, F6.3, ISO 500, 1/1600.  I didn't do anything about the chromatic aberration that usually appears on photos taken with this lens.  My eye cannot see it in this image.  I'm a

Some sort of Dragon Fly

I saw this on the footpath by the canal and tried a shot.  Although the magenta chromatic aberration of my cheapish lens is evident,  I'm pleased at how the shot turned out.  This was taken hand he