
As I sat in the garden, enjoying a welcome taste of the summer, I noticed that it was time to start weeding again.  I'll probably start next week.

A dandelion caught my eye, so I took a photograph of it.  I'm surprised by its beauty.  I was also surprised by the huge impact that the focus made.  When the camera was focussed on the top of the weed's head, the sides became very cloudy and the whole image lacked sharpness.  Focussing a bit further away, as in this image, put the sides of the head into focus, but the top almost disappeared -  so there wasn't the same apparent blurring.















This little chap obviously struck lucky.  I also struck lucky as I happened to be there at the time.














He played around with his catch for a couple of minutes before gulping it down.
















This fellow's eyes were bigger than his belly!  He landed on the seeds before realising that his beak was already full!  He considered his options for a couple of seconds before flying off with his insects intact.









Busy Bee


A busy bee photobombed my attempt to photograph the aphids!















And finally, another heron.