Getting closer...

I'm thinking of getting into macro photography.  Macro lenses are expensive, and they wouldn't be much use to me for normal photography.  So I am exploring the subject using extension tubes, which

Gorgeous Grebe

These little chap looks so sweet and innocent!












Macro malarky

Macro photography can be an expensive pastime.  A decent lens can cost £600+, then there is the special flashlight systems.  As a complete novice,  I stand very little chance of choosing the correc

Water Babies

All the local lakes are brimming with new life and many of the new parents are proud to show off their newbabes, especially if they suspect that your pockets may contain breadcrumbs.


Hot Chicks

A family of geese appear to have adopted me.  I can sit on the ground and they swarm all around me.  Yesterday, one of the parents lunged violently, but she passed inches away and chased another go