
These rusty old posts in the middle of Mytchett Lake are a real eyesore, but the birdsem to like them!

Bridge over bubbled water...

Images taken with the incredibly light 40-150mm F4-F5.6 cheapo lens.  I'm very pleased with the quality.  Chromatic aberration is barely detectable at any f/l and the images as sharp as any that I

Bird on a Box

Spotted a heron standing on a box at the weekend.

He put on a bit of a display for us.  First he did a little Irish jig...

Egyptian Geese

These wonderfully coloured birds are smaller than the common Canada Geese, but larger than the average duck.  This weekend they appeared to be very active for about half an hour, during which I man

There be Dragons...

The sunlight was very harsh today, so I just went out for a bit of practice.  There was no way that I could even try to get nice, colourful images.  While looking through the images I noticed that


This pair's cygnets dissappeared in the last day or two.  They seemed to be playing exuberantly around the lake, taking off and immediately landing again.  This went on for about 10 minutes.  It wa


This may not be a great shot, but I am chuffed to bits with it.  The light was fading and I was heading back to the car when I thought that I saw a robin land on a fence post.  I switched the camer


I noticed these two in the grass and I had no idea what they are.   I've decided that they are House Sparrows.

Red kite alight

This weekend I decided to try to get a proper photo of a Red Kite.  This is the first time that I have gone out with a specific bird in mind.

Under the falcon's eye

These geese spent about 20 minutes splashing around and making a lot of noise.  I had spent several days keeping a lookout for the Peregrine Falcon, but I hadn't spotted it.  I didn't spot it while

Black headed gulls

It took quite a bit of research to correctly identify these birds.  Apparently, in winter, their heads are white!   Due to global warming, their heads are turning white earlier every year!

Some Cormorant shots

The new camera is proving its worth. Fairly clear air todaymeant that the camera could "see" much better.


Almost a swan

This cygnet has already started to turn white.  In fact, when it stretches out its wings, it looks more white than grey.  This image has only been cropped slightly and scaled for display.  No other

Ducks at dusk

The birds were not very active tonight - perhaps they don't like the heat.

Greedy Grebe

This was an opportunistic sequence. I heard a bit of splashing behind me and swung round quickly and pushed the shutter button. 11 shots were taken in total.

Birds in flight

Tried out the new camera's autofocus tonight by trying to photo birds in flight at Swan Lake, Sandhurst. Results were very mixed - but the camera can definitely do it. More practice is needed.

Wagtail in Flight

This image was taken using the Olympus "Procapture" feature.  In this mode the camera continuously takes between 18 and 60 photos per second while you keep the shutter button half pressed without s

Great Crested Grebe

Having a Great day!!

This is one of my favourite birds.  They can put on a stunning display and have a wonderfully animated courting ritual. 

Robin in flight

This is another box ticked.  I've been trying to sapture a small bird in flight for some time.  Unfortunately, the robin in my garden is very timid this year, and he dissappears every time I go out

Cormorants at Mytchett Lake

I've been trying to photograph these birds since June.  They usually perch in the same spot, but it is just a bit too far away, and also a bit too shaded.  This time I used a tripod, and the sunlig

Eyptian Goose

A relatively unusual goose which is half way between a duck and goose in size.  Lovely colours too.


The herons were quite active this evening. These are screengrabs from 4k videos.


A busy scene captured while taking some 4k video.

Wagtail in Grass

These birds are really quite tiny.  This one is almost as tall as a daisy!

Another shot - almost in focus!


First visit to Horsese Lake in Sandhurst.  Lots of tame birds that are quite used to having people close by

Heron Flying

The setting Sun caught this heron at an angle which seemed to colorise this grey bird.  This is at Tice's Meadow, and the photo was taken from a couple hundred yards.  F8.0, ISO 800, 1/250S.

Some birds

This isn't a high quality photo, but it features an interesting mix.  There is an egret, a heron, various terns, geese, and a very rare Black Tailed Godwit.  The godwit is the little brown smudge o

The Gravel Pit

I visited Swan Lake in Sandhurst this evening, and ejoyed a beautiful, warm  summer evening. My wife found lots of subjects for me to try to photograph.  Very pleasent!

Robin at Tice's Meadow

Discovered Tice's Meadow this weekend.  It's an astonishing place, absolutely teeming with birds.   I don't recnonise most of them!


I cannot say that I like pigeons at all.  Noisey little pests!  However, if I am going to photograph all the wildlife that I can see in my garden, then I need to get this out of the way.


Screenshot from a short 4k video.  The camera was just resting on a fence post, so the video is too jerky to watch. However, there are a few decent frames contained within it.


This freindly little chap is very tame.  He seems quite happy to come within a couple of feet as long as there are no sudden movements.

Taking Off...

No idea what this is.   Possibly a duck?  Image taken at Swan Lake, Sandhurst.

Swans in Swan Lake

Swan Lake in Sandhurst is mainly used for fishing.  The lake is surrounded by trees which makes for interesting lighting.  This photo is as it came out of the camera.  Taken at 300mm, F5.6, 1/800s,


An evening at Swan Lake, Sandhurst, proved to be quite fruitful.  Plenty of opportunities to practice in different lighting conditions.  Swan lake is heavily wooded, and another lake, next door, is