Hare today...

I do a lot of walking in the countryside, and I always carry a camera in case I see anything interesting. I do see a lot of wildlife, but it is usually too far away, and often running away. This afternoon I tried a new approach. I just sat down in a sheltered spot for about an hour. During this time I saw three hares, two humans, and a couple of red kites. One of the hares came quite close and I managed to get a few shots that were actually in focus. All of my previous hares have been little more than furry blurs, so I'm very happy with these photos.

Mucking about in the dark

This was taken by pointing the camera at the bottle and flashing a torch on and off before moving the camera to point at the brandy glass and flashing the torch again.  Finally, the camera was move

Dearie me....

This image is the reason that I chose the Olympus camera instead of a full frame Canon.    This was an opportunistic photo taken with at 400mm, F6.3 lens which weighs a kilogram and is about 8 inch

Bubble, bubble, t'oil and ruddle

A little diversion from my usual wildlife stuff. I had a little play around with some washing up liquid, olive oil, and a bowl of water just to see how it would look.

Baloons, Kites and Planes

I've been busy practicing video, so there have not been too many photos. Last weekend there were brief moments when the Sun brightened up my photographic playground, but this weekend was just dull, grey and misty.