A pair of very different nebulae in Auriga.
Equipment used
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ106ED F5 530mm
Camera: G2 16200 MKIIMount:: EQ6 Pro
Processing notes...
Acquired with CCDCiel. Calibrated, stacked and stretched in CCDStack. Processed in Gimp.
Exposure, R 32m, G 19m, B 40m, Ha 90m, OIII 130m. Total 5h 11m.
I've no idea why the colours came out like this. I must learn to make notes. I've tried to redo the image, but I cannot reproduce the same colour scheme. In future, I must make notes.
Catalogued Items
SH2-229, SH2-236
IC405, IC410
03-Nov-2019 to 01-Dec-2019
These are two very different structures. Both are rich in Ha, but there is very little OIII in the Flaming Star Nebula. There is a lovely asterism, known as "The Ladder" between the two nebulae.
This can be easily seen in a standard 7 x 50 pair of binoculars.
IC405, IC410