The Cigar Galaxy
Equipment used
Telescope: Tal200K F10 2000mm
Camera: STL6303eMount:: EQ6 Pro
Processing notes...
L 45, R 34, G 26, B 16 Ha 35
Hmmm... My disk drive only shows 35 minutes of Ha, but I don't believe it myself. However, I can only go on what I can verify. My memory tellsme that I spent several nights trying to capture the Ha, and that I was dissappointed at how hard I had to process it just to get it to show at all.
Capture was done in CCDCiel. Stacking in CCDStack and processing in Gimp.
Catalogued Items
21-May-2019 to 25-May-2020
The Cigar Galaxy is situated near M81 in Ursa Major. In this image I've tried to capture the Hydrogen outflow.