


I spotted a squirrel in the garden at lunchtime.  He was running around outside faster than I could follow him from inside.  Eventually, he paused outside the kitchen window for long enough for me to get a shot.  I've no idea what he has in his mouth.  He dug it up in the lawn and carried it to the tree.  I wonder if it is a truffle??















We went out for a drive to see if we could find boxing hares.  I'm beginning to think that it won't happen this year.  However, I'm getting much more observant with each outing.  I spotted this egret out of the corner of my eye as we drove across a small bridge on the river Whitewater near North Warnborough. 










This is the tail end of the biggest herd of deer that I have ever seen.  There must have been about 200 of them.   Unfortunately, they saw us when we arrived, and by the time I got out of the car and got the camera focussed, most of them had disappeared.  Still, it was a magnificent sight.















The church was closed, so we didn't get to see the interior.  This has had keystone correction applied to  correct distortion caused by the wide angle.























My theme for the week is "patterns"  This is an Azaelia leaf with a strong pattern.







