
Given a free choice seemed a bit daunting at first.  However, as a relative beginner to normal photography,  I quite like the idea of being given tasks that I might consider to be beyond my experience.

I got started by playing with my new flash units.  They operate as a pair using wireless communications.  I quickly got used to the idea of mixing flash with ambient light.  The mbient light will make the image brighter as the exposure gets longer.  However, the flashes are of fixed duration, and so they are not affected by the exposure time. 

This shot was set up by first balancing the forward, very dim, flash with the rear flash (blue gel attached).  Next, an A3 lightboard was set up with a red scarf over the top half.   I then tried various exposures until the red and white light looked right.

I also had a couple of walks this week and tried a few outdoor scenic shots.   These are my nemesis and I really struggle to see what is actually in the viewfinder. However,  I am making some progress.  This church scene is not what I wanted to take, but I sort of realised it as I took them.  Oddly, this is a step forward and the image is actually better than I would have taken just a few months ago.


























Next up is a couple of deer on the horizon.  














Somebody out for a walk...










































And of course some bubbles.  This shot was taken with the 12-40mm F2.8 lens and the A3 lightboard just out of shot above the bubbles.